Monster Black Market Guide & Walkthrough [Team-Apple Pie]

Monster Black Market Guide & Walkthrough [Team-Apple Pie]. This guide is meant to simply get you a good starting point so that you can experiment with your own approaches.

Note: Read Without “*, **, “. Some words are censored due to their nature.

General considerations

At first, MBM might seem like a game about watching elf girls getting r**ed by goblins. But soon enough, you’ll notice it’s actually a game about industrial automation. And the most important thing in industrial automation games, is keeping things simple and understandable for yourself. Otherwise, even with a pause button, you will quickly get overwhelmed by complexity. Feel free to modify anything I wrote here if it makes things simpler for you.

Construction – Monster Black Market Guide

This pattern of building is intended to be easy to expand. So don’t hurry, and build things as you need them.

Basic Bre**eding Unit

I recommend building your basement in self-contained units like the one below. Note that it includes rooms for housing sla-ves and monsters, and all three rooms are needed to facilitate the bre**eding process.

Monster Black Market Guide

If you stack them one above another, rooms on this floor will always be nearest to your pixies, and thus you can expect to always find relevant sla-ves and monsters on this floor.

Big Bre**eding Unit

For big monsters, note that “nearest” for the big Bre**eding room is counted from the top square, needing an arrangement like this one:

Monster Black Market Guide

If you wish, you can expand this arrangement left and right by adding more monster cages and sla-ve cages.

Extra Rooms – Monster Black Market Walkthrough

To the left and right of these rooms, you can put less important rooms. Like your horde of depravity training rooms on the sla-ve side, and your factory of tentacle rooms on the monster side. Place some morgues too, just in case.

Bro-thel Support Rooms

Things get complicated when you get a bro-thel. A properly operating bro-thel needs support from underground rooms. Delivery rooms (because above-ground birth shows are inefficient), milking rooms and sla-ve rooms (for rest and for babies). You might want to dedicate 2-3 topmost underground floors to support your bro-thel when you have one and have money for the reconstruction. Before that, just remember not to put too many things there.

I recommend putting birth rooms and milking rooms on the topmost basement layer, and sla-ve cages on the next two.

Monster Black Market Guide

Bro-thel itself can have any arrangement of rooms, as long as it makes sense to you. I recommend having at least one shower room there, as a buffer for any maneuvers you might want to do. As a bonus, it earns you achievement points for using a shower.


For much of your 50 days, you’ll be on a quest for better sla-ves and monsters. Fortunately, unless you are using Complex Bre**eding, improving your populations is very easy. 

  • sla-ves and monsters inherit traits your sla-ves gained through deprivation. 
    • Future generations of sla-ves can be depraved some more, to get even better traits. Even if traits start negative, through multiple generations of Bre**eding, they can be changed into positive traits.
    • Monsters can inherit traits from a single sla-ve as many times as her birth limit. You just need to replace the Bre**eding monster with his son every time. The resulting inbred monster will have a maxed-out level of traits the sla-ve had.
    • The process can be improved by having Barbara upgrade birth rooms. 
    • The process can be further improved by giving your sla-ves milk and/or trait upgrade potions. Note that these don’t seem to work correctly when time is stopped.
  • Unless you are using Complex Bre**eding, different sla-ve bloodlines can’t be mixed. The starting point matters.
    • Every species of sla-ves has its own inherent positive trait that can’t be gained otherwise or improved.
    • Common sla-ves of every species have a negative trait that can be a problem. sla-ves descended from special sla-ves, and sla-ves descended from your brainwashed colleagues have unique positive traits instead, so they are generally much better.
    • sla-ves created through alchemy have all traits, even if some of them are at negative levels. With sufficient generations of Bre**eding, you can create sla-ves that rapidly improve all of a monster’s traits at once.
  • The main obstacle, is, once again, complexity. In every generation of sla-ves, you want to choose one or two who would be allowed to give birth to a new generation. Set the rest of them to the automatic sale of children, otherwise, your place will be overflowing with children.
    • It is a good idea to make your choice after they have been depraved. This way, you’ll get mana, achievements, and favor for depriving them, and you’ll be able to make a more informed choice.


Tentacles are kind of cheating. Each tentacle egg is worth more than any monster, and they are produced fully automatically. Sell a few eggs to fund your initial expansion, but don’t rely on them too much.

Anyway, there is a special bad ending if you over-rely on tentacles. You’ll probably want to get it on one of your playthroughs. Just put a lot of tentacle rooms, sell a lot of eggs, and brainwash all the colleagues.

Game Progression – Monster Black Market Guide

Starting out

For the first 10 days, you will not have much choice. Get used to the mechanics, and try to breed economically efficient goblins. I recommend focusing on goblins that are cheap to maintain. Elves often have this trait.

The main choice of strategy here is choosing which race of sla-ves you’ll be using the most. No need to unlock more than one of them at this point.

If you are doing well, expand to orcs and werewolves. Again, you wouldn’t be able to do much except to improve your monsters’ genetics.

Colleagues – Monster Black Market Walkthrough

The main choice of strategy is in which order you should invite your colleagues. If you aren’t sure, inviting them from left to right seems to be the way developers expected things.

  • Flora is in charge of automation (pixies). You might not need to invite her first, but you definitely shouldn’t wait too long to invite her. The production improves when you have a bro-thel to provide a steady supply of victims.
  • Noel (the dragonkin in charge of the laboratory) needs Flora (in charge of dismantling) to operate. With no ingredients from dismantling, there is no lab work to do.
  • Sena and Lena are in charge of the bro-thel. The problem with bro-thel, is that unless your sla-ves are fully depraved, they might run away, messing up your plans. The initial bro-thel operation might work with the depraved (and possibly sterile) sla-ves your operation has generated naturally, but for serious Bre**eding programme, you need Barbara’s s**e**x machines.
  • Barbara does not depend on anybody. Only on you having money to pay her.

Overall, it seems there are 2 main pathways: 

  • You start with Fiona and then add Noel, from which point you can rush to have big monsters and try to make money from them. The hard part is getting a supply of sla-ves with big enough wombs.You might want to arrange for getting furry milk (or is it small furry milk?) to improve ordinary sla-ves.
  • You start with Sena and Lena, and add Barbara soon. Now you have a steady supply of sla-ves and can breed them for superior attributes. Then you add Fiona to deal with the flood of sla-ve children and overall need for automation, and take Noel last, just in time to breed large sla-ves that Amilia requires.


Upgrade points come naturally without you needing to do much for them. But if you’re not having enough, look at the lists and check if there is something you can do easily, like giving sla-ves a shower.

As soon as you unlock a colleague, invest upgrade points in this pattern:

  • Amilia: upgrade maximum of sla-ves on sale, unlock all kinds of monsters, and unlock 1-2 extra kinds of sla-ves that you plan on using. Leave other kinds of sla-ves and an assortment of monsters for later.
  • Flora: unlock everything, starting from Pixie requirement. It’s all good, but pixies are the best.
  • Noel: unlock all of “Large monster time down”, so that you can have large monsters faster. Leave everything else for later.
  • Sena and Lena: unlock the final option, the sterilization gate. Don’t bother with the rest.
  • Barbara: take everything. But take reduced upgrade cost before extra traits, because to get 3 good traits, you’ll need more attempts than to get 1 good trait.

Economics – Monster Black Market Guide

Monster Bre**eding isn’t a very lucrative business. You get paid just 200-300 gold per normal monster. Amilia, who sells these monsters to customers for 1000+ gold, is the one who makes big money.

Note that baseline monsters cost 40-60 gold per day to maintain, so unless you sell off your monsters quickly, it will eat into your profits a lot. That’s why I recommend Bre**eding them for low maintenance. Well-bred monsters cost just 5 gold to maintain (and survive on stale bread and hay or something).

The real money is having a bro-thel. Of course, install an upgrade that stops the need to waste money on co**ndo**ms, gels, and STD cures. Even Bre**eding horses in the bro-thel (at 300 gold per foal that does not even require a room to grow) make more money than conventional monster Bre**eding.

Note that as reputation expands, you get new kinds of rooms, and also more customers. With Barbara’s upgrades, you can also make more money with it.

Earning Favor – Monster Black Market Guide

You probably want to aim for an ending where you get a whole harem of colleagues for yourself. It’s good to be ambitious. Start this phase once you have all 5 colleagues and all 5 kinds of monsters.

  • Amilia’s favor is straightforward. Just buy sla-ves and sell monsters. Unlock all her upgrades except for the number of monsters on sale. Don’t forget to use the “refresh stock” button to get more sla-ves per day and more chances of geting the ones you haven’t bought yet.
  • Flora’s favor is mostly about dismantling. Just buy sla-ves that are not a normal part of your economy from Amilia and dismantle them. And dismantle 5 of every kind of monster you have on your establishment.
  • Noel’s favor is the trickiest. You’ll need to produce 3 of every item, and 3 of every kind of creature (sla-ve, monster and big monster). 
    • Start by buying all of her upgrades. The “time down” ones will allow you to breed creatures fast, and the final one will allow you to create more items.
    • With max upgrades, creating goblins and humans is instant. Create them from goblin and human DNA, you probably have a lot of it lying around.
    • After you’ve done that, create a big monster. You already have 2, you know how it’s done.
    • You can probably produce most items from Flora’s dismantling. If not, dismantle some more, as necessary.
    • You will probably have problems with disease DNA. You will need to shut down the gate’s protection on the bro-thel for a short time, and dismantle everybody who gets sick. Use the newly created medicine on any important sla-ves that get sick for achievement points.
      • Alternatively, have one sla-ve die, and put her in a room to get the room infected. Then put sla-ves in that room, and dismantle them once they get infected.
  • Sena and Lena’s favor is simple. Buy 5 of their cosmetic potions (expensive, even with upgrades, but you can afford it), and switch the bro-thel to using co**ndo*ms and gels. You should already have everything else from a functioning bro-thel.
  • Barbara’s favor will take a lot of work from you. And quite a bit of money too. But it can be done with stopped time. Just upgrade everything until it has good traits. If necessary, build more rooms, upgrade them, and destroy them. Or don’t destroy them.
    • Barbara also needs to corrupt 10 of each race with her machine, but at this point, your Bre**eding programs should produce that many children easily. If necessary, buy some from Amilia.

I hope you like this guide or walkthrough on “Monster Black Market Guide”. If you have any queries or suggestions on this topic or post you can contact us or comment.

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